All the tools you’ll need to fend off the sharks in the Cryptocurrency World
Headquartered out of Denver Colorado, our team specializes in developing technical analysis tools and lessons for cryptocurrencies and any actively trading market. Dad Shark specializes in Volatility Theory and Mean Reversion style trading, an art that’s widely ignored in the endlessly volatile cryptocurrency markets. No matter where you’re located or your experience with trading, we seek to enable your long term growth regardless of market condition. The bull run or the bear run, our tools and insight are a refreshing break from the get rich quick schemes of the cryptocurrency world. With trading being our full time jobs, we bring extensive experience to every trade call, lesson, and chart customizing our support to your individual needs and concerns.
Our analysts have been practicing for years starting before the “easy money” boom of crypto. Get in touch with us and browse through our store options that cater to diverse needs and levels of experience. If any questions arise while browsing our options, use the contact form at the bottom of this page to enquire whether our services are right for you.
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Tools We Offer
“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.”
Have a fish
Premium Subscription Trade Call Service
Are you hungry for a good chart but don’t have the time or the tools to catch it yourself? Gain access to an email subscription service that details the highest probability trade entries several times a week.
The fishing rod
Custom Volatility Theory indicators
This suite of indicators is focused on identifying important pivots for executing a trading strategy based on volatility theory as a retail trader. The lite package is designed to include all the basics needed to work with the strategy with useful presets included, while the deluxe indicators are more complex and experimental tools that we’ve created to explore volatility in substantially greater detail.
The fishing academy
Full 6 hour Course on Volatility Theory
The fundamentals and advanced application of Volatility Theory. This series details most everything you will need to know to be a profitable trader through the following six lessons,
1) The Fundamentals of Volatility Theory and Distributions
2) The Four Types of Volatility and Their Application
3) Applying Distributional Volatility and Weighted Volatility for Trend Identification
4) The Application of CCI for Entry Signals
5) Wave Pm, Distributional Mass, and Physics for Trading
6) Bringing it All Together, Advanced Techniques for a Comprehensive Trading Strategy.
How to fish
One on One Private Lessons
You can’t use a fishing rod if you don’t know how to use it. After you’ve finished the lessons in The Fishing Academy, You can also take a bundle of one on one lessons if you prefer an interactive video call experience over a lecture.
The big catch
comprehensive trading package
The entire lesson series in the fishing academy with two hour long one on one lessons after you finish the video series. This the cost efficient option if you intend to take one on one lessons after you finish the video series.
What do the calls look like?
December 4th, 2018
Buy in: 1065-1104
Take profit: 1281
stop loss: 1045
There are so many traders who trade on price action without considering the following. Price action is just a derivative of volume, investors buying and selling. Volume is a derivative of the alignment of expectations of market participants. So why not learn how to measure and read the alignment of expectations instead?
Dad Shark
Let's Chat.
Use the form below to contact us regarding any of our products. Please be as detailed as possible with your experience, goals, and interests; Our Operational Manager will answer any questions you have. You may also email us about any inquiries.
If you have previously taken Private Lessons from Dad Shark and are potentially looking for a pay per article position, we are always looking for additions to the team.